Clopos - Restoran İdarə Sistemi

The barrel

Mebel yığılması və təmiri

Elanın nömrəsi: 3090550

Əlavə məlumat

Barbecue Preparation Order .Stick Boar and Tank .ABLE (Oak) Sheets are made of all sizes and colors. Prices are reduced according to their size. Delivery is free (Baku). VATSAP is available. Preparation of chalets and boilers for storage of pickles, holdings, vinegar, honey, salted fish and various drinks (cognac beer arag) ORDER.Package (tube, boiler, booth furniture) order Oak tray and bocha. Different sizes. There is VOTSAP. Whatsapp. MEBEL OFFICE decorate the board.

Bakı 9 Mart 8944 dəfə

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