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USB 2.0 to IDE SATA Converter Adapter Cable

Yaddaş diskləri (HDD, SSD)

Elanın nömrəsi: 6970697
Vəziyyəti: Yeni

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USB 2.0 to IDE SATA Converter Adapter Cable for 2.5 3.5 Hard Drive Disk HDD

- Quickly access SATA / IDE 3.5" (40-pin) / IDE 2.5" (44-pin) device by USB port

- Support hard drive, CR-ROM, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-RW

- Support 52x CD-ROM

- Compliant with SATA 1.0a Electrical Specifications

- Compliant with USB2.0 Electrical Specifications

- Compliant with Bulk-Only Transport Specifications

- Compliant with USB Mass Storage Class

- Support ATA/ATAI LBA 48bit addressing mode

- Support SATA spread-spectrum transmitter

- Support SATAI Asynchronous Notification (Hot Plug) feature

- Support 480Mbps High Speed and 12Mbps Full Speed USB operation

- Support Windows 2000, me, XP, Vista , Win 7 and Mac OS

- Plug & Play, Under Windows 2000 / ME / XP / Vista/ Win 7, no driver needed


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