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Elanın nömrəsi: 7223231
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Q2N 4K

Zoom’s F‑series field recorders are renowned for offering high‑quality multichannel audio recording at very attractive prices, and being notably more compact than the competition. The current range features five recorders, with the F8n as the flagship model. Its smaller multitrack sibling, the F4, was effectively replaced by the F6 which was first shown at NAB in 2019. However, whereas the F4 essentially followed the same conventional form as the F8 and F8n, the F6 takes a far more radical approach to its design, both inside and out. Most obviously, it takes Zoom’s miniaturisation to a whole new level while retaining most of the functionality of the F8n, and even adding some important new tricks of its own. When launched, the F6 was the first portable recorder to offer a native 32‑bit floating‑point recording format, obviating the need to set gain controls manually.

The F6 is fundamentally an eight‑track audio recorder, capturing six discrete balanced mic/line inputs to separate tracks, along with a stereo mix of those tracks (if required). To that end, the unit is equipped with six full‑size XLRs (three on each side), with most of the user controls on the front panel surrounding a small colour display. A caddy of four AA batteries slots underneath, while a bracket at the rear accepts a Sony L‑series battery pack. So far, so conventional but, incredibly, this is all contained in a package measuring just 100 x 63 x 120 mm and weighing 520g without batteries. It’s hard to work out where there’s space for the electronics amongst the connectors and batteries, and I know of nothing else this small that is able to match the F6’s remarkable capabilities.

Given the unit’s design and features, it would be reasonable to assume the F6 is designed primarily with video cameras and DSLR users in mind, its compact proportions making it ideal for fixing between a tripod and camera baseplate, or onto the base of a DSLR (and it comes with a suitable mounting plate for precisely that application). However, the F6 can be employed equally well in a ‘gadget bag’ for traditional location sound‑recordist applications, or on a desktop for podcast panel recordings. Its compact size also makes it ideal for hiding ‘on set’ for local recording, or even for placing in a waterproof bag for remote unattended field recording! This is a very versatile little product.

Bakı 15 Fevral 750 dəfə

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