Clopos - Restoran İdarə Sistemi

Azerbaijani Language Courses for Business

Hazırlıq kursları

Elanın nömrəsi: 7464582

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Azerbaijani Language Courses for Business
Piramida Education Center offers special Azerbaijani Language Courses for those who do or planning to do business in Azerbaijan, as well as for those already working in different business spheres.

Our highly qualified and experienced teachers provide students with engaging, interactive and flexible classes that suit everyone’s needs.

Our Azerbaijani Language Courses for Business COVER:
- Improving professional business vocabulary
- Phrases and expressions used in business meetings
- Phrases and expressions used in telephone conversations
- Writing formal letters
- Writing formal text messages
- Communicating at work.

- Individual classes
- Group classes
- Friendly environment
- Communicative, interactive and flexible teaching methods
- Teaching both formal and informal language

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